Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back to Reality!

...well I'm back to reality. Back to work.  Back to paying for meals! :)  We just got back from a WONDERFUL vacation to the Bahamas... it's hard being back.  I need the blue waters! :)

The one bad thing about going on vacation at the END of the summer is that I spent all summer looking forward to the get away... but now that it is over, I have to go back to work tomorrow.  How'd that happen!?  Didn't we just say 'goodbye' and 'have a great summer' to our students?!

Tomorrow the our first official day back in the classrooms... of course I've been in and out of mine for almost a month, but that was on my own free will... now I HAVE to go there. ;)

I have been waiting and waiting to post pictures of my classroom since it's about 95% finished.  I just don't want to post all the pictures until all the posters I have waiting to be laminated are up!  ((I swear I didn't break our main laminator... just the small one!))

What I AM going to do is post a link to a page that will be updated every now and then as I complete parts of my classroom.  SO CLICK HERE FOR IT! :) Enjoy.
