Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back to Reality!

...well I'm back to reality. Back to work.  Back to paying for meals! :)  We just got back from a WONDERFUL vacation to the Bahamas... it's hard being back.  I need the blue waters! :)

The one bad thing about going on vacation at the END of the summer is that I spent all summer looking forward to the get away... but now that it is over, I have to go back to work tomorrow.  How'd that happen!?  Didn't we just say 'goodbye' and 'have a great summer' to our students?!

Tomorrow the our first official day back in the classrooms... of course I've been in and out of mine for almost a month, but that was on my own free will... now I HAVE to go there. ;)

I have been waiting and waiting to post pictures of my classroom since it's about 95% finished.  I just don't want to post all the pictures until all the posters I have waiting to be laminated are up!  ((I swear I didn't break our main laminator... just the small one!))

What I AM going to do is post a link to a page that will be updated every now and then as I complete parts of my classroom.  SO CLICK HERE FOR IT! :) Enjoy.


1 comment:

  1. I have been surfing the web and looking for all things fifth grade. I was so happy to find your blog. I live in upstate SC . I have been teaching for 22 years. The last 17 have been in 2nd grade. I have been moved to fifth grade for the upcoming school year. I am very interested to hear your perspective on fifth grade. What do you use for ELA? Is there anything that you have found that is really awesome? We do not use the basal and am just not sure where to start especially with the new standards. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.
