Thursday, July 18, 2013

What a mess...

I feel like this is supposed to happen before the room is complete, but my classroom looks like a tornado went through it.  See what I mean.....

I have realized that I get going on one project, get distracted and move on to something else.  Not a great habit to have! 

I spent a few hours yesterday and today just doing random projects in the room.  Here are pictures of my progress thus far.

This is one of my groups -- I will only be teaching math this year, so I want my groups to be able to have more manipulatives at their finger tips this year.  You can't see it in this picture, but each group will have a crate beside their group with their own individual white boards in order to eliminate the wasted time getting the boards passed out.

I will have to get a better picture of my "One Minute Until Dismissal Checklist", but this is what I have for now.  I found this idea on Pinterest and made it my own to go with my class. :) LOVE IT! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey There!

    I love how you are refining your classroom to make it what you want. I hear ya on not liking things and constantly rearranging them. I'm in the process of doing some of those same things. I too attribute some of my radical changes with being hired 2 weeks before teachers went back to school. I'm your newest follower and will be completing my 2nd year of 5th grade as well in the Lake Norman area of NC.

    Enjoy your vacation!

    ~Amanda :Elementary Teacher Files
